"Palm Sunday" Explained by the Crunchy Christian Mar 24, 2024

8 months ago

Why do Christians do what Christians do? Ashleigh Hensch dives in weekly to help clear the fog of confusion with easy to understand Church history and tradition.

🌿 Blessed Holy Week, everyone! 🌿 what is Holy Week? When does it start? How do we participate in Christian worship during Holy Week? The short answer is: go to church 🤪, but I go into some more detail for those not familiar with liturgical worship/practices. This will be a series of videos, and we start with the start of Holy Week: Palm Sunday.

Yes, yes. Ashleigh cannot stop trying to make "Penitial Season" the noun into an adjective "penitentiary". Seems to be a glitch in her system, please forgive it 🙏.

The word "synoptic" means (1) affording a general view of a whole, (2) manifesting or characterized by comprehensiveness or breadth of view, (3) presenting or taking the same or common view specifically, often capitalized : of or relating to the first three Gospels of the New Testament. (Merriam-Webster). Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the synoptic Gospels because they generally agree, and are told in a similar way, of the account of Jesus. John's account is told in a different style, and so the accounts don't always line up nicely to his.

I'll try and get this edited and re-uploaded as quickly as possible, but didn't want to miss Palm Sunday! Please ignore the screaming toddler... he's fine, just resisting bedtime 😅

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