SCOTUS: Abortion Rights, Roe Vs, Wade,Food and Drug Administration ACCESS toMifepristone

10 months ago

A fight over abortion pills at the Supreme Court thisweek could have sweeping consequences for allAmericans' access to mifepristone, even those who live in blue states.

Abortion will be back in court Tuesday, when the samejustices who overturned Roe v. Wade will heararguments about whether federal regulatorsoverstepped their authority by loosening restrictions tomake mifepristone easier to access.

Mifepristone, which is sold both under the brand nameMifeprex and as a generic drug, is commonly usedwith one other drug during medication abortions. Thestakes of the case were made clear this week whennew data showed more than 60 percent of allabortions last year were done through medication.

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