Shakespeare: The Genius We Never Knew

11 months ago

William Shakespeare was arguably the greatest writer in history. His works have been translated into every living language. He’s been credited with literally inventing a tenth of the entire English language, or almost 2000 new words and phrases, many of which remain in common usage to this day. Yet, he was an aspiring tradesman’s son during a time of great civil upheaval. He apparently left school at 13 only to be forced into a murky marriage at the age of 18. Despite these challenges he somehow managed to pen works that showed an incredible breadth and depth of knowledge of law, medicine, botany, geography, politics, history, religion and human psychology that mark him as a true renaissance man. And yet, we have so few pieces of material evidence about him that we could fit everything we know of his life, into literally one paragraph. We can’t even be sure that the portraits we instantly recognise are actually his. And yet, there are over a thousand books that have been written about him, almost all of which are based on pure speculation. Some even suggest that the man we assume to be the greatest treasure of the English Speaking World could not possibly be the obscure son of an illiterate glovemaker; but merely a front-man or pseudonym for a restless aristocrat wanting to keep anonymous. Join us, as we dive into the life and times of William Shakespeare; take a brief look at his works, themes and their significance, and review some of the ongoing controversies that have plagued our understanding of his legacy to this very day.
#williamshakespeare, #shakespeare, #shaksper, #controversy, #antistratfordian, #oxfordian, #Edwarddevere, #francisbacon, #baconian, #hamlet, #macbeth, #sonnets, #renaissance, #cypher,

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Chapter Timeline:
02:37 Background
10:20 Ancient Theatre
14:53 Traditional History of the Life of William Shakespeare
23:20 The Lost Years
35:05 Some General Notes on Shakespeare's Plays
51:04 Shakespeare's Later Years
56:09 The Anti-Stratfordians
1:05:08 The Sonnet Problem
1:09:15 Final Thoughts

Further links related to content in the video (Youtube Links):

Medieval Perfect Storm (on this Channel)

Brutus (on this Channel)

Joseph Campbell's Monomyth or Hero's Journey, on the Triarius Project Channel:

Iron John on the Triarius Project Channel:

Cracking the Shakespeare Code with Petter Amundsen:

The Shakespeare Mystery:

9 Fake Facts about Shakespeare- A quick summary by Dr. Ros Barber

Diana Price and Shakespeare's lack of a Literary Trail

Shakespeare was a fake- by Alexander Waugh at Brunel University

Who Wrote Shakespeare? Public debate

Shakespeare Authorship Question. Prof Paul Cantor:

Did Shakespeare write Shakespeare?
By Dr. Ros Barber-
By Tom Regnier-

Websites of prominent Anti-Stratfordian Groups:

Shakespeare Authorship Question and trustworthiness:

Traditional Shakespeare Sites:

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