Young Man Repays Veteran's Service By Paying His Check

6 years ago

A young man's selfless deed for a veteran at an Iowa Walmart store touched thousands of internet's hearts after it moved one shopper to post on her Facebook page.

The elderly veteran had his day made and walked proudly out of Walmart that day, knowing that someone is grateful for his sacrifice. What that young man did for him, unprovoked and out of the kindness of his own heart, is now praised by the million show have seen Alana Ruthann’s video on Facebook.

She was just like everyone else, absorbed in her world of technology, when she heard an exchange going on in front of her at the checkout line. Getting off her smartphone, she satiated her curiosity by hearing no more than 20 seconds of discussion between an elderly gentleman and a young man getting off the checkout in front of him. The guy turned to the old man, a veteran, and said: “Sir, I’m paying for your items because you paid by serving my country and I’m grateful for you!”

The young man was determined to honor this gentleman, so he scanned his card and paid for both their items! He then thanked the veteran one more time and just left. The veteran, struck by the sudden generosity, asked the cashier “what do I do now”, while picking up his goods, to which he got a warm smile and the words “ you have a good day”.

All it took was 20 seconds to change a man’s day and everyone else’s for that matter.

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