Susan Swift Stands Up for the Unborn on ABC 7

6 months ago

Abortion bill reintroduced by Rep. Judy Chu in virtual press conference

A federal abortion bill was reintroduced by a California representative
In a virtual press conference on Tuesday, the Women's Health Protection Act was reintroduced by Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal and California Representative Judy Chu.

The federal legislation would protect the right to access abortions without restrictions that are often set by state law. If the bill were to pass, it means if Roe versus Wade falls, abortion access would still be protected.

"We face a point of potentially heightened scary crisis next year, or later this year when the United States Supreme Court decides Dobbs versus Jackson Women's Health," said Blumenthal.

The Dobbs versus Jackson Women's Health case focuses on a Mississippi law which bans abortion at 15 weeks of pregnancy.

The Supreme Court is expected to hear that case in the fall.

"This is part of a deliberate strategy by anti-abortion extremists to use state laws and the courts to slowly chip away at abortion access," said Chu.

According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, nearly 90% of American counties are without a single abortion provider.

Chu said this bill would increase access to abortion services for minorities and low-income patients.

"We need what but to ensure that no matter where you live, what your background is or what your zip code is, you have the same rights to make decisions about your own body as anyone else," said Chu.

But Susan Swift Arnall, Director of Outreach and Engagement at the Right to Life League, said this law isn't protecting the health of women. She also believes it will destroy 20 years of pro-life legislation.

"They're attempting to override the rights of millions of Americans who have expressed time and again, with their vote, one state at a time, saying we don't like abortion on demand. We want restrictions to make sure that women are protected and safe," said Arnall.

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