Bill LeBeau - Celebration of Life

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A Cowboys prayer,
Our Heavenly Father, we pause at this time,
mindful of the many blessings you have bestowed upon us.
We ask, Lord, that you will be with us in the arena of life.
We as cowboys do not ask for special favors.
We don't ask to draw around the chute fighting horse,
the steer that won't lay, or to never break the barrier.
We don't even ask for all daylight runs
We do ask Lord, that you will help us live our lives here on
earth as cowboys, in such a manner, that when we make
that last incvitable ride, to the country up there, where
the grass grows lush, green, and stirrup high, and the
water runs clear and deep, that you'll take us by the hand
and say:
Welcome to Heaven cowboy.
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