New American Daily | FDA Forced to Take Down Ivermectin Propaganda

10 months ago

A lawsuit settled last week is forcing the FDA to remove one of its most blatant propaganda campaigns, that against ivermectin’s usefulness in treating Covid-19. The “You are not a horse, y’all” posts will have to come down. The plaintiffs who filed the lawsuit that made this happen were Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Paul Marik, and Robert Apter. But this doesn’t make up for the number of lives lost against effective, cheap off-label use.

Also in this episode:

@ 12:30 | Despite the costly lawfare against Donald Trump, he managed to get richer, a lot richer, on Monday;

@ 22:30 | Mexico’s Marxist president is demanding money and citizenship status for Mexican illegals in the United States in return for helping stem the tide of illegals into our country;

@ 33:18 | America is getting UN fatigue. We look at the anti-UN fever spreading among federal lawmakers and discuss how you can help get the much-needed goal of exiting the UN across the finish line.


Read “FDA to Delete Anti-ivermectin Posts in Lawsuit Settlement”

Read “Will They Get Trump“

Click HERE to take action with the JBS’s alert to “Get US Out! of the UN — Support the Defund Act.”

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