Daniel Banyai: TRUTH v MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA - The gun grab/land grab/HUMAN TRAFFICKING story

11 months ago

Kevin Hoyt, self identified Governor of Vermont and 2024 candidate with a warrant connects the dots and shows you the real story THEY ARE COVERING UP... THE MEDIA is not accurate, reliable and works for the state owned, politically controlled agenda. PLEASE SHARE

No matter your political party or your beliefs- THIS IS OUR HOME and THIS IS NOT RIGHT. PLEASE SHARE and get involved.
CONTACT INFO: Here for YOU to USE this time, request a debate and public statement- GOV. PHIL SCOTT can we PLEASE get a public statement? EASY!
SHARE THIS VIDEO with them on their social media, private and public, business pages, TAKE IT TO THEM and ask question at their work, homes, where they eat and play- wherever you see them; TEST THEM.

SUPPORT DANIEL BANYIA: https://www.givesendgo.com/StandWSlateRidge

Executive Office of Governor Phil Scott
109 State Street, Pavilion
Montpelier, VT 05609
Phone: 802-828-3333

Vermont Attorney General Charity Clarke:
Phone:802 828 3171
Bennington Co. State's Attorney's Office, ASK FOR ERICA MARTHAGE lol
802 442 8116

Bennington Police Dept. Chief (lol) Paul Doucette
802 442 1030

Town of Bennington, Town Manager Stu Hurd
802 442 1032

Fair Haven Police Chief Bill Humphries:
518 361 8685

Merrill Bent:
Phone: 802 282 2966 Cell Phone: 802 362 2560

Grandville NY Mayor Paul Labas:
518 642 2640
Cell phone 518 361 2666

Grandville NY Police Chief Ernie Bassett:
518 642 1414
Cell phone 518 642 2946

VT House Rep. Robin Chestnut Tangerman, Rutland (D)
802 828 2228
Email: rchesnut-tangerman@leg.state.vt.us

CONTACT VT DIGGER - no phone number, weird
Email: contact@vtdigger.org

Who is ready to be a Grass Roots WARRIOR? If YOU would like to join the colony and support our effort, here's how you can help- SHARES HELP too!
or find us on Give Send Go:
or support us direct: https://cash.app/$GovernorKevin

If You found us on another platform; please find us, like, follow and subscribe all for free on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/GrassRootsWarriorNetwork

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Kevin Hoyt's information & Monetary donations:

Follow Kevin Hoyt on:
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/KevinHoytVT
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kevin.hoyt.79?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Telegram - https://t.me/kevinhoytchat
TruthSocial - https://truthsocial.com/@KevinHoyt

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