You Are Never Alone - a daily inspiration

11 months ago

April 19 - You Are Never Alone - a daily inspiration
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You may sometimes feel lonely, but you are never alone. It is because God has whispered in your ear that it is time to awaken, that you have now chosen to open your eyes. As your eyes open, you see that every time the sun is birthed from the ocean, She trustingly and lovingly delivers into your waking arms, a brand new day. When its light brightens your face, and its touch warmth your heart, it is Source that you are feeling. Every breath you take, is Him sharing with you, how much you are needed here now on Earth. And so understand, that there is not one breath that you have ever taken, without God’s knowledge. Remember this, and know that you are not alone. The journey you are now on, is the one that you have co-created with God, and so every step you take, He takes with you.

Today, let us recall, that it is possible to feel alone, but that it is not possible to be alone. God is Love and All, and so anywhere you are, God is. Feeling lonely is just a symbol that you valuing the ego’s mindset more than God’s. God is All, and therefore, the ego’s world is nothing, and so if you are focused on nothing, then yes, loneliness will appeal to you and appear to be real. Today, use the feeling of loneliness, as a personal call from God to you, asking you to return home to Him. If you can start using the feeling of loneliness in such a manner, it will become a way for you to leave a darken mindset and return to being at One with The Light. The more you dismiss the ego’s mindset and connect with The Whole, the more normal, natural and right, it will feel to be One with The Whole, and the less alone you will feel.
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