Overcoming the Idea of Death

10 months ago

April 17 - Overcoming the Idea of Death
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Your birth was not your beginning, and neither shall your death be your end. As God’s creations, extensions and expressions, we are what He is, and thus if God is eternal, then so to are we. God is Love, and thus this is who we are, this is our eternal essence, and the more we make the conscious effort to align with our eternal essence, the more we will realize that this is truly so. Today, let us make the conscious choice, to begin to overcome the idea of death, by first setting aside the ego’s illusionary old paradigm. Our eternal essence, our true nature, has nothing to do with dust, and so the truth in us will never return to dust. Our eternal loving essence, was long before it chose to be in a physical body, and it will be, long after it chooses to leave it. We need not die, to start reflecting Heaven on Earth.

Today, let us recognize, that in every moment, we make the choice, consciously or not, between being a representative of death or of Eternal Life. Let us today, practice becoming aware of some of the symbols that represent death and Eternal Life. Judgment of self and others, frustration, anger, anxiousness, hate, resentment, and revenge, all these are symbols of death, symbols of one who has bought into the ego’s mindset. Love and all its expressions, such as those of peace, joy, compassion, forgiveness, and charity, are all symbols of the truth in us, of eternal life. Free-will allows us to choose, in every moment, which road to take. Today, if you find yourself on a road that you do not want to be on, do not despair, simply recall that you have free-will, and thus that you can always, simply choose, once again.
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