Texas Hail Storm Destroys Thousands of Acres of Solar Farms

11 months ago

During a hail storm last week, several solar farms in the Needville, Texas were destroyed in an area spanning more than 10,000 acres.

Nearby residents have expressed concerns about the dire environmental impact of the solar farms.

The cadmium, lead and polyvinyl fluoride leaching from those dead solar panels will make the land unsuitable for anything for 100s of years. Clean energy my ass.

Much longer than that. For example once inorganic lead is washed into the ground water it takes a minimum of reverse osmosis filtration to remove it from the water source. Lead can be passed from mother to child for 4 generations.

Let that sink in.

Al Gore, please pick up the red emergency phone. Hail storm in Texas yesterday destroys thousands of acres of solar farms. The Climate Mafia was unavailable for comment.

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