Consciously Freeing Ourselves from the Past

10 months ago

April 14 - Consciously Freeing Ourselves from the Past
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Today, let us not extend the past into the present and thus create a future like our past. Let us no longer allow the ego’s dark or negative thoughts to be given free rein to spoil our day, nor through our focus on them, give them the fuel and power, to take hostage our nights. Those darken and negative thoughts, are now in the past, where they belong, and the past in reality is gone, it is no more. It is only when we drag our past into the present, that we give it permission to rule over us. When this occurs, it is not us who are living our lives, it is our past programmed-self that is living it for us. Today, when the past tries to knock on our door, asking us to judge and condemn ourselves or a brother or sister, let us overlook the ego’s request, and allow God’s unconditional Love to answer.

Today, let us practice becoming consciously aware, of when we are experience the eternal gift that is the present moment, or when we are stuck dragging the past into the present. When we are in the present moment, we find ourselves aligned with and experiencing Love’s expressions, such as those of peace, joy, compassion, forgiveness, hope and healing. When we are dragging our past programming into the present moment, we feel judgmental, frustrated, angry, stressed out, worried, resentful, jealous, hateful and revengeful. The idea is not to punish ourselves when we find that we are not in alignment with the present moment, the idea is to catch ourselves quicker and quicker when we are out of alignment, forgive ourselves and others for this, and correct our path to again align with the now.
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