Setting Differences Aside and Supporting Our Sameness

10 months ago

April 13 - Setting Differences Aside and Supporting Our Sameness
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Today, let us focus on and support, the eternal sameness in our souls, instead of the seeming temporal separateness of our bodies. Today, let us use God’s mercy and grace, to look beyond our brother's and sister’s temporal misperceptions, what their bodies think, say or do, and instead only focus on their eternal sacred changeless loving nature. They, just like you, have come here with the same mission in mind, to love and serve, to help and heal this world. Some of us have remembered our missions, others are in the process of remembering their missions, yet all are equally God’s children, and as such, they are all to be treated with mercy, grace, compassion and understanding. To accomplish our mission, we must first heal ourselves, by recognizing and learning to share, our true nature.

Today, all we are being asked to do is to see God’s children as He created them. By doing so, we will begin to recall, who in truth we are. God’s mercy and grace looks upon all His children the same. Would it not make sense to at least to try to see God’s children as He does? Let us practice doing this, by overlooking everything that they think, say and do, that is not reflective of their loving nature, and focus only on the eternal sameness in our souls. When we make the conscious choice to overlook the illusion, we will begin to see the truth. When we make the conscious choice to no longer focus on nothingness, we will begin to see everything that is real. When we make the conscious choice to overlook who our brothers and sisters are not, we will begin to see them as they truly are.
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