Don't Get Left Behind

11 months ago

#tribulationperiod #jacobstrouble #theendingofanera

JESUS IS COMING! It doesn't matter if it is today next week a year from now or ten years or more. He's coming back and when He returns, will you be ready? You may not live to be raptured. You can die tonight. Will you be ready to give an account for what you've done in this life? You are precious to God. He loves you so much that He died for you so that you could live with Him forever.

Are you associated or in fellowship with a ministry that does not preach repentance, living a holy life according to the Word of God? Do you ever hear about hell? Do you know who your enemy is? Have you felt something is missing and it is disturbing your spirit? Maybe it's time for you to seek God for a God-led Word-fed assembly.

Everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will not enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Matt. 7:21-23

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