5:31 / 7:17 CUT THE CORD! Wild Badger 20V 22" Double Bladed Hedge Trimmer Action Review

10 months ago

In no shape or form I'm telling you to buy it. I'm just presenting this an option for you. As of 4/25/24 it is 74.99 Plus tax with a 3 year guarantee. Roughly around $82 for something you will use 1-2 a year unless you are anal or a pro. This comes out to $28 a year which is cheaper than hiring someone to trim bushes for you. No cords to trip over as well as praying your gas powered machine starts next if you stored it correctly. DO WITH THIS INFORMATION AS YOU PLEASE! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD USE IT TO ONLY TRIM HEDGES AND BUSHES! IT IS NOT A CHAINSAW!

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