Dedicating Your Day to Gratitude

11 months ago

April 8 - Dedicating Your Day to Gratitude
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Today, let us think, how many days in our lives have we actually woken up and made a conscious decision to dedicate that day to gratitude, to being grateful? Then, let us think back and ask ourselves, how many days, unconscious as it may have been, have we woken up and dedicated our day to worry, anxiousness, stress, judgment of self and others, anger, resentment, hate or revenge? Any time we are placing our time, energy and focus, on any thought, we are dedicating that day, or at least a part of that day, and thus a part of our lives, to that thought. Let us today recall, that thanks to free will, it is us and us alone, who decided what thoughts our days, and thus our lives, are dedicated to. Let us remember that what we dedicate our days to we become, and it is what we become that we will share with others.

Today, let us see every interaction, as an opportunity, presented to us by God, to be grateful to all those in our lives, who are helping us become more self-aware. When we do so, when we share any of Love’s expressions, because we are all One, we ourselves will get to experience them. The more we experience them, the more fulfilled we will become, because in essence we will be doing what we have been created to do, to be and share love with all others. The more we share Love’s expression, the more our circle of Love increases, the more safe and secure we feel in this world, the more grateful we will become to God for our experience. This is what today you have the ability to begin to create, a life were Love’s expressions extend through you to all those you come into contact with.
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