Father Of Victim Of Parkland School Shooting Eviscerates Kamala And Biden For Pushing Gun Control

11 months ago

It Won't Work Because it DOESN'T Work: Dana Loesch Exposes the Biggest Flaw in Democrats' Anti-Gun Laws: Red Flag laws, meant to predict violent behavior, like background checks, sound like a good idea to people who have no idea how crime works. This is especially true with school shootings which tend to involve young people without criminal histories to research. The biggest problem, though, is that the practical application of red flag laws is already in place, the FBI and police just seem to have no idea what to do with the information. Detailed in a post by Brett T., Parkland Father Responds to Vice President Kamala Harris' Visit to Push Gun Control, the VP's photo op was just as meaningless as the current Biden admin's efforts to stop gun violence.

Vice President Kamala Harris @VP: “The memory of what happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas will never be erased. Inspired by the community's courage, let us find it within ourselves to do more. We know what works: Universal background checks. Red flag laws. An assault weapons ban. Now, legislators must act.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJcW443WsAA5dZ-?format=jpg&name=large -- Dana Loesch @DLoesch: “None of they would have worked. You know why? Because the sheriff there ignored over 30 CALLS MADE TO THE POLICE WARNING THEM ABOUT THE KILLER’S VIOLENT BEHAVIOR. They were all IGNORED. The school had to hire a BABYSITTER to accompany him to class because he was so violent. The school STOPPED REPORTING FELONIOUS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR to the police. The school LEFT ITS DOORS UNLOCKED. The school IGNORED a security threat assessment done by a SECRET SERVICE MEMBER who was also a parent, just months prior. You are unserious & care nothing for life. The same ghouls who electioneer on the backs of the dead were the quietest when this killer was REPEATEDLY reported to police BY HIS OWN FAMILY. Absolute GHOULS.”

Laws already in place meant to prevent violent or mentally unwell people from causing mass destruction do not work. The left is caught in a self-fulfilling ideological loop where they refuse to acknowledge individual violent behavior related to crime while demanding laws prevent crime by analyzing and predicting individual violent behavior. In 2022, after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott pointed out the refusal to address severe mental illness and violence after two school shootings, NBC News demanded: “This is an absurd — yet familiar — analysis from Republicans that ignores the reasons why the United States uniquely struggles with mass shootings. While it is probably true that many of the people who commit these horrific crimes are not mentally well, mental illness is global; the U.S. is unusual, however, because people struggling with mental illnesses — and everybody else — can so easily get powerful weapons like the kinds used in mass shootings.”

It's obvious Democrats aren't interested in preventing violent criminals or mentally ill people from legally obtaining guns. They just want to ban anyone from obtaining a gun. -- Don'tDrinkDaKoolaid @MSMisSoma: “Once all existing laws on the books are followed, and people held accountable for failures (speaking to you FBI and Broward Sheriff Dept), then lets talk about red flag laws. Till then? Stick to actual school safety and not the agenda to take guns.” -- Freedom First USA @Tomfreeusa: “He had already committed several felonies sending email and cyber threats . The FBI was also aware of his activity.” -- Lee Anne Butts⚡️#neverTrump @leeannebutts: “But you are printing facts. The FBI even had that killer on their radar. The best they could tell the parents of the dead children was “we’re sorry.” That was the point at which I lost all respect for the FBI.”

The left's logic is if we remove all guns then those who might use them for mass shootings won't have the opportunity. The problem is that is unconstitutional. The American people have a right to gun ownership, regardless of how others choose to break the law using them. This is a fact the left and the Democrats simply will not accept or recognize. They only see the outcome of criminal behavior and confirm their own biases against guns rather than acknowledge the actual issue of rampant crime and uncontrolled mental illness. Meaningless photo ops, market-tested compassion speeches, and phrases like, 'We should do more to protect children,' do nothing to address the real issue of crime and violent behavior. They simply make Democrats feel better and look good for the cameras while they work to deny the American people their civil rights.

Jeff Charles, An Awful Pundit🏴 @jeffcharlesjr: “Father of one of the victims of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School eviscerates Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for using his daughter's death to push for gun control. "It's an insult to the families that have worked so hard to make our schools safer in the state of Florida."” -- This is really what the Democrat party is all about when they claim to simply want 'common sense' gun control. -- Rep. Mike Thompson @RepThompson: “Since the Parkland shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, over 15,000 children and teens have been killed by someone using a gun. We cannot allow this gun violence to be forgotten, and today we #RepostYourRage to take on a worsening gun violence epidemic.” -- Their efforts will only make Americans less safe and give an incompetent government more control over our lives.

Twitchy: Parkland Father Responds to Vice President Kamala Harris' Visit to Push Gun Control
NBC News: Democrats have an opportunity to call the GOP's bluff on mental illness

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