Awakening to the Eternal Sameness in Each Other

10 months ago

April 5 - Awakening to the Eternal Sameness in Each Other
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Once we awaken, we will stop dreaming of ourselves as separate from each other. Once we are done dreaming that the seeming temporal separateness of our bodies is more real than the eternal sameness in our souls, we will start to see how aligned all of us and our journeys truly are. Once we stop dreaming, that what we think of, say or do to others, does not affect us, it is then that we will naturally desire to offer only peace, love and joy to all others. Offer peace, love and joy to another, and you too will feel those blessing filling your days and fulfilling you. Offer anger, resentment and hate, to another, and you shall carry the burden and heavy weight of those judgments. We have been gifted free will; we can in every moment, choose what we offer others, and thus what we end up experiencing.

Today, let us notice, how we are actually creating, through our interactions with each other, through the thoughts, words and actions that we offer them, the path that we are experiencing. Do you not, as Love’s child, desire and deserve, a loving light filled joyous and peaceful path to walk on? Are we not all God’s children? Today, let’s experience our Oneness, the sameness in us all, by leading our brothers and sisters towards the light, and we too shall experience the light. But let us also understand, that if through free will, we lead them into darkness, then that is also what we will experience. Today, offer others what you yourself desire to experience, and allow the sameness in your experiences, to become a symbol to you, of our eternal connection to each other, of the sameness within us all.
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