"Oh God To Be Whole" by Kevin Blair

10 months ago

Oh God, to be Whole:
This is what the entire world needs to do now: Ask God for forgiveness for our sins! Jesus is coming so much sooner than we think. Individually, we must come to him in order to be saved. There is no national savior who can build an earthly kingdom or save an earthly nation, as with Israel in the old testament. For His Kingdom is not of this world! Jesus is the only one who can work on the inner domain of the sick and troubled heart. People are crying out to be whole again whether they know it or not. Whatever form of affliction we may have, or however severe that affliction may be, we all have deep set problems we can't solve on our own, whether out in the world, or within ourselves. Society has forgotten God and is looking for another savior, and he will come and propose to build an earthly sanctuary and kingdom, based on falsehoods and feigned morality. Total error is running the human community now, unlike ever before in known history! The worst of it is God's crown of creation being altered by the genderification of children! Worse still is yet to come when Gods seal of authority will be trampled on! The Saturday Sabbath! Consciences are seared. Love has waxed cold! An unprecedented Grand Deception is about to happen. The final Crisis Actor is about to emerge as the planetary logos, the antichrist, with his endgame showdown. Therefore we need Jesus in whatever case because this is too big for us. We need to soul search ourselves! Pray for this nation and the world!! Preach the Three Angels Message!! Patriots will have to be of a Heavenly order, looking only to Jesus Christ. He is truly our only source of knowledge through his Holy Spirit guidance and protection.
He can and will intervene, destroying the script of error set before us. None of the horrors happening now could happen without Gods permissive will: for He has placed a choice before us. We must choose between the precepts of this world, and or the Holy precepts of His Word. "Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye." Proverbs 7:2 God is Love! Fear God and give glory to Him!
- Kevin Blair

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