American People Know And Aren’t Buying Joe Biden Presidency

11 months ago

BKP predicts a landslide for Donald Trump, if it is a fair fight.
Ronna went from the RNC to the MSDNC and we watched the manufactured outrage and she didn’t switch parties. We have been watching what has been happening in WI, MI and PA. They can’t run Joe Biden again. They are doing everything they can in producing a different Joe but they change the perception of the American people, not with blacks, hispanics, women, men. The only hope they have now is to steal it.
They tried to keep Trump off the ballot in NJ. in some states you have to get petitions signed to get on the ballot. The excitement is up everywhere across the country from TN to NJ.
Where are they in GA? Illegals in Murfreesboro TN. The deep state intent is to collapse our structure, our union, our republic. THe uniparty is participating. All over the United States are illegal tent communities. This country will collapse. It is your tax dollars at work.
Tammy Murphy, wife of NJ governor drops out of the US Senate race. She can’t get high enough in the polling to get high enough to stay in the race.
They are fed up in NJ.
Mexico is attempting to collapse this country.

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