20120208 尤斯塔斯-克拉伦斯-穆林斯: 遗言。解释自己如何受到攻击,所谓中风可能敌人发动的攻击。掌握的关于阴谋的信息比大多数人都要多。(中英双语机器字幕)

11 months ago

20120208 尤斯塔斯-克拉伦斯-穆林斯: 遗言。解释自己如何受到攻击,所谓中风可能敌人发动的攻击。掌握的关于阴谋的信息比大多数人都要多。(中英双语机器字幕)

Eustace Clarence Mullins:Last Words. He explains how he had been attacked and the supposed stroke was likely an attack by his enemies. Even in his 80s and serious health problems he has more information about conspires than most people will ever know.
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