Ex-Defence Select Committee Chair: The UK Government Should Move Faster to Stand Up to CCP

11 months ago

03/25/2024 Former Chairman of the House of Commons Defense Select Committee Tobias Ellwood: CCP is pursuing an alternative interpretation of our global order. CCP are teaming up with Russia and Iran to exploit perhaps our timidity in protecting that world order. As our lifestyles become increasingly digital, it becomes easier to actually cause disruption through cyber attacks. I call on the UK government to take a tough stance and action against the CCP.
03/25/2024 前英国议会下院国防委员会主席托拜厄斯·埃尔伍德:中共正在追求与既有全球秩序不同的解读。中共正与俄罗斯和伊朗合作,以利用我们在保护世界秩序方面的犹豫态度。由于我们的生活方式越来越数字化,通过网络攻击引发混乱变得越来越容易。我呼吁英国政府应对中共采取强硬的立场和行动。

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