RICCARDO BOSI RAGE CLIP "Pin-Dick Keyboard Warriors"

6 months ago

In a clip posted to Bitchute back in July 2020, freedom influencer Fanos Panayides interviews Riccardo Bosi and asks about his commitment to removing the paedophiles in The Australian government.

Fanos asks the following --

"What assurance could you give to the people watching this right now (July 2020) that you're going to put your money where your mouth is, and do everything that you can do to get rid of these scumbags, and that paedophile suppression order -- because it's something that a lot of people feel very passionate about... And it's also something a lot of people are questioning whether you'd actually have the integrity to do that..."

In his reply, Bosi flips out hard and turns the table on the questioners, making comments such as the following --

1. I haven't seen your face on fucking TV
2. I haven't seen you risk your fucking livelihood
3. You want to come and ask me? Make a fucking date. I'll come and speak to you face to fucking face
4. Get off your lazy arses...
5. I've fucking risked everything
6. For you people that want assurances, fucking grow up
7. Stop asking dumb fucking questions
8. I'm sick to fucking death of keyboard warriors with pin dicks hiding in mums basement, demanding shit of me
9. You want to meet me face to fucking face? Oh make the fucking appointment. But bring some mates with you too, cause you're going to fucking need them
10. I'll take them out

Clearly Bosi is not a well person and suffers from a condition akin to bipolar disorder. Be sure you hold this man accountable for his words and deeds, just as you would another politician or someone wanting to lead others in a national sense.


➀ Dia Beltran "Riccardo Bosi Deals With Keyboard Warriors"




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