The 5 eyes alliance accused China of political interference

6 months ago

Video: The 5 eyes alliance accused China of political interference: watch this, then decide. Big headlines in the mainstream media today make harsh accusations that China is interfering with the electoral systems in the UK and New Zealand. But are these stories true? Consider the evidence in this video and then make up your own mind. 中國被五眼聯盟指控政治干涉:賊喊捉賊, 觀看此內容,然後做出決定。今天主流媒體的頭條新聞嚴厲指責中國干涉英國和紐西蘭的選舉制度。但這些故事都是真的嗎?請考慮該影片中的證據,然後做出自己的決定

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