11 months ago

This debate allowed both a Sunni and Shia representative to espouse their own case for their respective theologies.

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To clarify an important point , in the discussion two individuals came in and interrupted threatening the Shia . These were two people (both black) who came in and were stopped . Point to note :

1- The person who appeared in the Rafida video (Hassan Burachid ) was not the person who came in and interrupted the debate as may be assumed .

2- The allegation that Hassan is associated with Anjem Choudhary is completely unsubstantiated, since I have confirmed that brother Burachid happened to be present at a anti-Iran demonstration and Choudhary came in.

3- Burachid is completely disassociated with Choudhary and his cronies.

#shia #sunni #debate

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