Comments 47-49: Decoding The Future Of Black Communities

11 months ago

Comment Number 47 is on Yvette Carnell’s channel. Comment Number 48 is on Antonio Moore’s BLACK EXCELLENCE, BLACK WEALTH, BLACK POWER channel and Comment Number 49 is also on Antonio Moore’s channel. Cynthia G's dissertation will help you and millions of others understand what is happening to Black people all over the world. Because of decades of low birth rates, compared to death rates, Whites all over the world will consolidate power and resources to maintain their nations and civilization. It is just a matter of time before millions of White people realize they must save themselves. The misguided belief that Whites will eventually integrate with Black people and accept us as equals, will never happen. White acceptance as equals in our current position and condition is a Black religious myth and a Civil Rights myth. Black people are being lulled into a fantasy that White people, somehow, still care about Black people. In reality, they don't. We get all excited when we hear that racist are being dealt with, when in fact, they might not be. Behind the scenes deals can be made without being publicized.

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