The 1st Book of AḎAM & ḤAWWAH / Adam & Eve 36 - I Read My Scriptures! ❤️ 📖

10 months ago

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Today's Reading:
1 Then Elohim commanded the keruḇ, who guarded the gate of the garden with a sword of fire in his hand, to take some of the fruit of the fig-tree and to give it to Aḏam.

2 The keruḇ obeyed the Command of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 Elohim and went into the garden and brought two figs on two twigs, each fig hanging to its leaf. They were from two of the trees among which Aḏam and Ḥawwah hid themselves when Elohim went to walk in the garden and the Word of Elohim came to Aḏam and Ḥawwah and said to them, “Aḏam! Aḏam! Where are you?”

3 And Aḏam answered, “O Elohim, here I am. When I heard the sound of You and Your voice, I hid myself, because I am naked.”

4 Then the keruḇ took two figs and brought them to Aḏam and Ḥawwah. But he threw the figs to them from a distance because they would not come near the Keruḇ, for their flesh that could not come near the fire.

5 At first, messengers trembled at the presence of Aḏam and were afraid of him. But now Aḏam trembled before the messengers and was afraid of them.

6 Then Aḏam came closer and took one fig, and Ḥawwah also came in turn and took the other.

7 And as they took them up in their hands they looked at them and knew they were from the trees among which they had hidden themselves.

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