Greetings and blessings to you all this Holy Week

9 months ago

Grace, mercy, and peace to you all on this most holy and reverential time of the Church calendar, as we mark and reflect on Christ Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection this Holy Week.

Almighty God, grant that in the midst of our failures and weaknesses we may be restored through the passion and intercession of Your only-begotten Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

"Lamb of God, pure and holy,
Who on the cross didst suffer,
Ever patient and lowly,
Thyself to scorn didst offer.
All sins Thou borest for us,
Else had despair reigned o'er us:
Have mercy on us, 0 Jesus! O, Jesus!"

- LSB 434:1

#holyweek #sacredtime #holypassion #christianity #lutheran #lcms #jesuschrist

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