Interview with Melissa Crawford M.D. Discussing "Vaccine" Injuries and Holistic Healing Alternatives

11 months ago

Interview with Dr. Melissa Crawford Discussing Vaccine Injuries, Holistic Alternative Healing Modalities, and Vibrational Water Medicine!

Hope for Healing is a Catalyst of Empowerment Over Victimhood!

“During my time in Medical School and as a Family Doctor, it always felt like something was missing in my toolkit. I was longing to have more skills that helped people heal on a deeper level. I wasn't satisfied with a "band-aid" approach of taming symptoms. I felt deeply, in the core of my being, that there must be something beyond what I was taught in western medicine, that could get to the root cause of illness and help people achieve health and wellness. So, as a young medical student I began my journey of trying to find what that was.”

​”I really enjoyed exploring patients' emotions, thoughts, behaviours, stressors, dietary habits, and life experiences. I spent a lot of time in medical school and residency reading about the principles of Integrative Medicine, Psychotherapy, Nutrition and Exercise. I chose additional electives (placements) with Psychiatrists and Therapists in clinics, hospitals, and at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. I spent time talking to a lot of people who were deeply suffering on an existential level. Patients' often expressed their frustration to me about the current medical system being too focused on pharmaceuticals. I felt their frustration too, as a learner and as a patient.”

“It was becoming a mother to my beautiful son (born in 2013) that catapulted me into studying Holistic forms of Medicine more deeply. When he was just an infant and toddler he struggled with significant health issues that started after receiving routine vaccinations ( such as developmental regressions, autoimmunity, full body eczema, acid reflux, severe daily abdominal pain, poor appetite, stalled growth, and sleepless nights for years). I researched every day and brought him to several practitioners in those first few years, determined to help him recover. When he was just over 1 year old, at the peak of his suffering, I graduated from my Family Medicine residency and then began studying Functional Medicine in an effort to find answers to help him.”

​”Various therapies, special diets, and supplements were tried and I saw some results with these but he continued to regress developmentally. I saw the biggest gains in his health after I found practitioners who provided quantum healing modalities and technologies such as Intuitive Energy Medicine (Medical Intuition, ThetaHealing & Reiki) and Vibrational or Frequency Medicine (Vibrational Water Medicine through Healers Who Share and Heilkunst Homeopathy), and then more recently Light Therapy and Ionic Detox Foobaths. He completely and deeply TRANSFORMED before my eyes and this work allowed him to become the healthy and happy child he is now at 10 years of age. I will be forever grateful for the amazing healers who crossed our path, and helped him (and I) move out of suffering, pain, and trauma to health, joy, and peace!”

“Many different modalities were a part of my healing process, some of which I then began to study myself, including ThetaHealing, Reiki, Medical Intuition, Yoga, Low-level Laser Light Therapy, Ionic Detox Footbaths, herbs, cleanses, and most significantly --> Vibrational Water Medicine. I feel that this combination of therapies, along with a healthy lifestyle and deeper connection to Nature is what healed me. I am healthier now than I ever was! I feel that I have now developed the combination of knowledge and skills I was longing for, to help people heal more deeply and achieve health and wellness in their mind, heart, body and soul.” 

Education & Certifications

Bachelor of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, 2007

Medical Degree, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, 2011

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course, Queen's University 2012

Family Medicine Residency, Queen's University, 2014

Energy, Cardio-metabolic & Neurology modules, Institute of Functional Medicine, 2016-2017

Functional Neurology Cerebellar and Vestibular Course, IAFNR, 2017

Bioindividual Nutrition Program, 2015-ongoing

Usui Reiki, 1st & 2nd Degrees in 2018, Reiki Master in 2020

ThetaHealing: Basic & Advanced DNA, Intuitive Anatomy, Game of Life and Family Ties, 2018-2019

Yoga Teacher Training, 2018-2019

Beyond Addictions/Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: The Yogic Path to Recovery, 2019

Light Therapy Certification through "LETS", Level 1, 2020

Certificate for Medical Intuition, 2019. Medical Intuition Instructor Course, 2022. International College of Medical Intuition, Inc.,

Medical Intuition and Vibrational Water Medicine, Fully Certified with Healers Who Share, Inc. 2021-2023

Mesa program (Andean Rainbow lineage), 7 week program with Eva Blum at Tree Star Health, 2023 - ongoing

Recommended Informed Consent Reading Before Considering Vaccination:

Turtles All the Way Down Vaccine Science and Myth

Dissolving Illusions

Dr. Melissa Crawford’s social media links, and websites listed below:

Tom Dienes social media links listed below:



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