Interview 712 with Christine Wens

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BIO Christine Wens
Im born on the countryside in a big family. I had a simple childhood not so much different then any other ordinary child.
I became a social worker which was surely not my passion but I didnt really know what I wanted to be at that time in my life. Anyhow it provided me for a living. In general I had a lot of different jobs.
However looking back through whole my life I realised that I was a seeker, a seeker of thruth , a seeker for the meaning of life, what s the goal of being on this earth.
That seeking started to get stronger after I finished school. However in highschool I had a teacher who practiced astrology, she put the first seed in me to practice astrology which I still do now and has been a passion ever since.
Also I had a big desire for discovering the world , meeting other cultures.... so I travelled quit a bit - all in search for he truth( which I was not aware of in that time) . My first spiritual searching ended up in a journey to Schotland ,to Findhorn one of the first communities which gave different kind of workshops ex the book of miracles - and still an interesting game they offered was the angelguidance game. ( which brought me to Canada).
Also I spent a lot of time in health - I studied macrobiotics and was strict in that diet for a few years - I worked in a macrobiotic restaurant in Greece for a while. It helped me a lot to strengthen my health but on the other hand it was also to strict , so but still organic food is very important to me but I m more flexible in it now. By studying macrobiotics I learned a lot of the Japaneese culture.
Dance I enjoyed also vey much , practiced folkdance, flamenco and belly -dance .. which brouht me in contact with those cultures.
My spiritual hunger was not satisfied - so I searched further which brought me to Shamanism - Since I was very little I had a great admiration for the wisdom of the native Indians of America more over N America - great leaderslike sitting bull , crazy horse, Geronimo, etc.... I read different books of their culture - and one of the best book I read was Neither Wolf nor dog - from Ken Nerburn - made also into a movie which is good too but the book is the best.
Mainly I did sweatlodges and I did also a visionquest one in Belgium , one in Nevada - which I will maybe explain more in detail in the talk.
An interest in the Kahuna way of life brought me to Hawaii
But still I wasnt satisfied - Another most interesting book I read was " Inintiation " from Elisabeth Hersch which describes a life she remembered in very ancient Egypt ... So it brought me to Egypt. - cruise on the Nile -
Meanwhile I followed for several years - tarot - Not to predict but to know thyself. I had a great teacher, very wise woman who Im still greatfull for as she helped me a lot with her knowledge and wisdom.
I lived also a few years in the US where I was a teacher in Kintergarten - in a sahaj school in upperstate NY - during my time in US I got I would say also my political awakening - I was there in 2016 - during the elections - My God I was never interested in politics but in US you got dragged into it - then through DEBBY L - I got know to know what s really going on - lifting up the veil of the Cabal ....
Then lost but surely not least I discoverd Sahaja yoga which I will explain further in the talk and do an excercise. Which brought me to India
Shortly Sahaja Yoga means spontanious connection with the Divine energy through kundalini awakening.
So this has been my journey in life ...

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