Its the 1 year anniversary of her jab that gave her Lupus, Scleroderma and Sjogrens Disease!

10 months ago

Jim Crenshaw

October 31, 2022

The one year anniversary of her death shot has arrived. I noticed she is still wearing her mask. I wonder if she knows that the mask and the shots won't keep her from getting Covid? She has had:

MRI's (multiple)

CT scan

Spinal Tap

Lab tests (46)

Big ass medical bills (amount unknown but lots of commas)

And they have ruled out what it is not. I bet they are still puzzled, stymied, confused, baffled, shocked etc. etc. etc..

They will run out of ideas, pills, jabs and ointments about the time you run out of money. She does however have 11 different auto - immune diseases. And wait for it...

SHE WAS PRE-MED. Oh the irony of it all. She wants to go to Med school IF her health improves. They so don't get it.

She is still seeing specialists to "fine tune" her issues. Lady, she has an entire orchestra of issues I promise you. 21 years old. What a waste. I would go ahead and send out anniversary invitations for a one year anniversary party and not wait for a 22nd birthday party. It may not happen. Moving along now...

Source: bootcamp:

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