Absolutely Take Action Now or Get Hit By a Train - Universe WARNING!

11 months ago

This video is for you if you are feeling stress, overwhelm, discomfort or pressure in your life, let me show you how to release the pressure valve.

This will also advance your personal and spiritual growth. Plus I’ll show you how to recognise the signals when it’s actually time to change, that come from your internal guidance system and how not to get hit by a train.

Have you ever heard the saying …

First, the Universe whispers in your ear, then it tickles you with a feather, and finally, it hits you with a train. When you get a signal or a sign to stop what you’re doing. Or a sign that something needs to change – then my recommendation is do it.

Any discomfort tells you that there is something to pay attention to. And what you don’t pay attention to, eventually you pay with pain or worse, you get hit by a train.

Now my reason for sharing this video is because I believe that the Universe is sending us a message. The pressure people are under is a signal that the Universe has increased its intensity in the world. It’s sending a waring humanity a warning.

We both know that humanity has to change its ways.

We’ll, the Universe is saying stop falling under the spell of the 'world-mind' and awaken your spirit. In other words; Stop complying with social pressures. Listening to everyone else about what YOU should do and start listening to your own spirit. There has never been a more important time than now to follow your heart, your internal guidance system and stop reacting to your fears and start acting on your loves, your passions.

Ask yourself. Am I acting on love or am I acting upon fear? Fearful actions are so often destructive and reactive. Conversely, love is constructive and proactive. Following your truth is being true to yourself and not following all the shoulds, musts and have tos of others. This is where people get off track.

When I'm confused or unsure of what to do, I find it useful to ask myself, "What would love do now?"

According to study by Oracle. 45% of People Have Not Felt True Happiness for More Than Two Years. A quarter of our population (25 percent) don't know, or have forgotten, what it means to feel truly happy.

I believe the Universe is placing pressure on us all to evolve. To be who we truly are. Our spirit, not our conditioned or our fearful selves.

So what can you do about it?

The answer is simple, deal with your inner stuff before your external life gets hit.

If you’re relationship needs work – get onto it. Do the work. If you’re beliefs around money need some adjusting, do the inner work. If your career or business is in trouble, get busy on plugging those holes.

If you don’t know how or where to start – get outside help. But don’t waste another day.

So here it is …

The Law of Diminishing Intent says...

"The longer you wait to do something, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it." – (Jim Rohn)

Procrastination is cancer to your personal and spiritual evolution. The Universe knows what you must do to evolve and has already sent you hints and intuitive impulses of what you can do. And know this, the purpose of evolution is so you can thrive or at least cope with the changes that are coming.

Demand. Command change and opportunities will come. They will reveal themselves to you. You just need to be awake and alert to the signs – and be courageous.

The Universe is demanding that you become conscious of your unconscious programming.

Here's the number one thing you can do. The number one thing to get back into the driver’s seat in every area of your life and how you can eclipse all of your limits. The best thing you can do to master every area of your life. This is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to evolve.

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My name is R!k Schnabel from Life Beyond Limits and I hope you accept my free gift today. https://lifebeyondlimits.com.au/free-life-coach-nlp-training/

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