085 To Take Out Of Them A People for His Name (Acts 15:12-21) 1 of 2

6 months ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Israel at War 3/24/24 The decimation of Hamas continues (video footage) as Hamas refuses to release to release the 134 hostages. Meanwhile, Purim goes on as scheduled... (2) We look at the current hot-button Culture War battle featuring the Sodomite leadership at Planet Fitness.

In our study, Paul and Barnabas provide a two-fold testimony (signs and witnesses) to which James confirms and expounds further:

I. God's Purpose (15:12-14)<br /> II. God's Plan (15:15-18)<br /> III. Godly Practice (15:19-21)

Also Reference: Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-20, Luke 24:46-51, Acts 1:6-10, Matthew 11:28-30, 1 Corinthians 1:21-31


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