DIY Magic Un-Stainer! 🤩

9 months ago

If you’re anything like me, this will save your clothes, especially white T-shirts.. no chemicals, natural and super easy + cheap! 🙌
About the photo:
✅ High blood pressure will return to normal, constipation, stomach and bladder pain will disappear if you pour a tablespoon with a slide of dill seeds into a teapot and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Cover the teapot with a napkin or wrap it in a towel for 40 minutes so that the seeds steam well and release all the valuable substances into the water.
The resulting medicine should be drunk directly from the spout of the kettle in 5-7 sips. Be sure to drink with meals, not on an empty stomach or after a meal.
📌 The course of treatment is a week, then the infusion can be used periodically, say, 2-3 days a month, for prevention.
📌In addition to the above effect, this infusion perfectly treats coughs, bronchitis, throat diseases, and also relieves insomnia
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