"Twins Fighting Over Food"

7 years ago

"There is nothing quite as adorable as everyday interactions between twins. Kissing, hugging, laughing, fighting over foof… twins just can never cease to amaze us with their cuteness, and the two little girls from this video are not an exception! These two little girls may be sharing the exact same genes, but they are not sharing the exact same mood. Well, not at this very moment at least. One of the little girls is crying out loud, while the other seems to be enjoying herself while eating some food. The little girl on the left looks like she has just woken up from a nap to find out that her food has gone missing. Who is to blame? Her loving sister, of course! This situation is just too funny! While one of the girls is crying inconsolably, the other one acts as if she was thinking “what is all the fuss about”. They are so precious!"

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