Dave Kershner Lightning Round | Ep167: Conspiracy Theories Abound!

11 months ago

Dave Kershner Lightning Round | Ep167: Conspiracy Theories Abound! LOL! Even Wore a TinFoil Hat for the

In Episode 167, Dave puts on his tinfoil hat and discusses a whole host of conspiracy theories making the rounds! Everything is up for grabs like the Trump judge in NY getting a $10M payoff, Big Mike, Boeing DEI hires, Barry Obummer and the CIA created and runs ISIS and coordinated the attack in Russia, US State Dept forewarns American citizens to avoid large crowds and then denies prior knowledge. In the middle of all of the conspiracies Dave discusses the corrupt judge mandating that the Trump Organization to be monitored for three years and the FBI acknowledging the sheer volume of red flags from the crush of illegal immigrants. He closes the show by discussing some more tea leaf reading and the theory that Ukraine tried to assassinate Tucker Carlson.

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Preparing to Prepare (electronic/paperback) | Home Remedies (electronic/paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (electronic)

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