Tick Tock!!!!!!

11 months ago

The black rainbows. The lunar eclipse of March 25th. The solar eclipse of April 8th. The Most High Creator is giving us these signs for a reason. We were to do 400 years and then The Almighty would judge the nations. We did our time and now look at the state of the nations today. Amerikkka is a third world country experiencing homelessness, suicides and excess deaths beyond anything it's ever experienced. The european nations in the european union are also collapsing and experiencing excess deaths, suicides and homelessness. The world is shifting away from european control. Another African nation just kicked the amerikkkan military out of their nation. Puting just revealed that The Almighty Creators children are the Negros scattered to the 4 corners of the earth. Not the european colonizers occupying Palestine.
What is The Almighty Creator showing us?


Praise ONLY The Almighty, Most High Creator!!!!!

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