CiA knows...

11 months ago

The CIA is the Deep State. Every patriot should be reading “Destroying America: The CIA’s Quest to Control the Government.”

Schumer is one of several Democratic and Republican CIA officers in Congress in violation of the Constitution. The Democratic CIA officers push socialist policies, and Republican CIA officers work with McConnell and Johnson to sabotage conservative control of Congress.

Biden is flooding the country with illegal aliens to facilitate the CIA’s socialist agenda. Socialism is the only way the CIA can control the American people.

The CIA will not let the media expose the truth. CIA officers work “full-time” at “major domestic media outlets” and “major circulation American journals.”

What’s more, Garland and Wray are actually CIA officers using “official covers” as Attorney General and FBI Director. The CIA’s “Republican faction” got Trump to appoint Wray in preparation for the stolen election.

Documented evidence shows that the CIA spent decades building up its control before stealing the election. To repeat, every patriot should be reading “Destroying America: The CIA’s Quest to Control the Government.”

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