Trump & Biden: NO CHARACTER, NO INTEGRITY + Pfizer Pfraud Pforever

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Replay of Mon, Mar. 25, 2024

(2:00) Measles are the apparent narrative to rehabilitate vaccines in the public image after the mRNA failure. Let's look at a cost-benefit analysis of measles v autism

(10:19) Kate & Cancer
• Death comes to everyone including princesses and transhumanists
• Kate's husband William, got jabbed at the same time despite his claim to have had COVID already. Using their definitions, it's a logical absurdity to think that someone who's recovered from a disease needs a vaccine. Here's why…
• Flurry of media promoting stats that show increase in cancer in young people, including abdominal cancer — with an ending date of 2019
• Did the government let the absurd theories about her run wild so they could censor any questions of a vaccine connection?
• Chemotherapy — dangerous, expensive, and less effective for breast cancer than quitting diary consumption and taking aspirin
(51:15) Pfizer Pfraud Pforever
• HPV was the first vaccine mandated — now linked to 4 different autoimmune diseases
• Japanese study calls for mRNA jabs to be suspended over blood bank contamination
• FDA settle Ivermectin lawsuit from physicians. "Seriously, y'all" can we just get rid of the FDA?
• FDA's absurd frozen cherry pie rule from 1971 will finally end
• Chick-fil-A will allow Chicks Filled with Antibiotics
(1:08:29) "Nailing Jello to the Wall"
• Can Trump pay the bond?
• What does he believe about abortion or any other issue?
(1:25:32) Thanks to Zelle contributors

(1:27:00) Character. Integrity. None of the candidates have it but NO organization can function if leaders don't have character and integrity — especially government
• A couple of checklists that define character and integrity — do Biden or Trump measure up?
• What do we do when no presidential candidate has integrity?
• How do we get our children to value integrity?
(2:04:41) WATCH Mega-church doesn't want to mention "Resurrection", "Calvary", or "blood" as a marketing ploy to get people to attend. Evidently the pastor in a bunny-suit (literally) isn't enough

(2:16:20) DeSantis is out of the running for president, now caves on Parental Rights. And, "free EXERCISE" of religion confused again with "ESTABLISHMENT of religion" as teacher banned from praying but porn is pushed as part of a so-called "Decency Act"

(2:30:17) Squatters aren't the only problem
• Montage fraud can steal a person's home since government is no longer protecting title integrity
• The dangers of Private Equity firms monopolizing home ownership for themselves
• One man found a novel solution to get rid of squatters when the government would do nothing
(2:51:17) Thanks to Zelle contributors, part two
(2:54:12) Biden makes bold escalation in Red Flag laws. Where did he get THAT idea?

(2:54:57) Major Australian bank to go cashless in a couple of months from now. If we don't use cash, we lose the option. Congress passed $1.2 TRILLION boondoggle AFTER REMOVING anti-CBDC and anti-FreeSpeech items

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