Pack Mules With Ammunition On The Santiago Trail, Cuba (1898 Original Black & White Film)

11 months ago

Experience the action of the Spanish-American War with this captivating black and white film from 1898. Witness the great pack train thundering towards its destination, led by the gray bell-mule. Cowboys skillfully manage the procession, creating clouds of dust as they go. This historic footage showcases the crucial role of over 12,000 mules in transporting ammunition during the conflict. Follow the journey of these mules as they traverse the trails near Santiago, Cuba, guided by dedicated handlers, including civilian mule skinners hired by the Army. Step back in time and immerse yourself in this fascinating piece of military history.

Source :
Paley, W. D., Thomas A. Edison, I., Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection, Paper Print Collection & Niver. (1898) Pack mules with ammunition on the Santiago Trail, Cuba. United States: Edison Manufacturing Co. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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