Ms Wilmer from the Hoodoo Hood Collection

10 months ago

Voodoo dolls have long been a part of our history, with individuals creating these dolls to affect the outcome of their victims' fate. Whether it be to heal, assist financially, protect, or harm, these dolls were feared and sent chills up the victim's spine. They were created using personal objects such as clothes, fingernails, hair, or other items belonging to the intended target. It was believed that whatever was done to the doll would be felt by the recipient.

However, with the advancement of technology, a new form of Voodoo doll has emerged in the form of digital Voodoo dolls created by Google and social media. These digital dolls are housed in a digital universe and are used to send messages to individuals in order to manipulate them into making certain decisions that may serve the selfish needs of the creator. This could include over-shopping, overeating, making purchases for one's home or lifestyle, or even committing crimes.

It is important to beware of this new form of manipulation, as it can have serious consequences for the individual being targeted. Just as traditional Voodoo dolls were used to control the fate of others, digital Voodoo dolls can be used to control the actions and decisions of individuals in the online world. It is essential to be aware of the potential dangers of these digital dolls and to protect oneself from falling victim to their influence.

Traditional Voodoo dolls have long been a part of our history, the emergence of digital Voodoo dolls presents a new and potentially dangerous form of manipulation. It is important to be vigilant and cautious when interacting online, and to be aware of the potential risks associated with these digital dolls. By staying informed and taking steps to protect oneself, individuals can guard against falling prey to the influence of digital Voodoo dolls and maintain control over their own fate.
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