Having What You Say

6 months ago

God said in His Word that you can have what you say. So the words that come out of our mouths are vitally important to the level of victory that we walk in daily. Watch this message to learn the importance of your words and the power they have over your situation. When you speak God's Word, you get His results! Learn how to have success and victory in every area of life!

To give to Answers4America, please go to paypal.me/maynardministries OR https://buy.stripe.com/28o7sG5dd8DX3AI289
We're not asking for donations, but providing you an opportunity to participate in the work God is doing in and through this ministry. As God promised, give, and it will be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom - Luke 6:38

We are currently NOT a 501c3, which simply means we cannot provide a tax exemption for your giving. However, your seed will produce a harvest for you, just as the Word says above. If you’re giving by check or some other means, please feel free to contact us at Answers4America@gmx.com

To give online, please go to paypal.me/maynardministries OR https://buy.stripe.com/28o7sG5dd8DX3AI289

Join our Army of 300!
In Judges 7, God gave Gideon an army of 300 to conquer the enemy. When they were approaching the enemy camp, God had Gideon divide the 300 into 3 groups. As we march forward to battle the enemy’s plans in this nation, we are looking for an army of 300 to join us. Like Gideon, we are looking for 3 groups. We are looking for:
100 people who will give $25/month https://buy.stripe.com/5kAbIWcFF4nH3AI004
100 people who will give $50/month https://buy.stripe.com/9AQ3cq5dd9I1dbidQT
100 people who will give $100month https://buy.stripe.com/aEU3cqeNNg6p7QYcMO
Why are we making this offer?

As it says in Philippians 4:17, “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” When you sow into the work of the Gospel, you are sowing into good ground. The Bible says when you sow into good ground, you will reap 30, 60, even 100 fold what you sow. If you have financial needs, if you’re deep in debt, or need healing in your body, one of the ways you can make contact with the power of God is to give.
2 Corinthians 9:6 says that when you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully.
2 Corinthians 8 says that, just as you abound in faith and love, see to it you abound in this also.
Romans 15:27 says that those who have received spiritual blessings are “obligated” to minister back in material blessings.

As you give, you expand the reach of this ministry, and those touched by it, who hear the Gospel and have their souls saved, their families saved, even their lives saved, that abounds to your account when you give! In 1 Corinthians 9:7-11, Paul asks who serves as a soldier at their own expense? If we sow spiritual things into you, is it too much to reap material things from you? Lester Sumrall learned this lesson when travelling to a meeting by train, and told another minister he was so tired he could fall right to sleep, but had to go preach. The other minister said “I’m completely refreshed. I booked one of the rooms, and slept on the way here”. Sumrall was offended, and asked how he could “spend the Lord’s money on something like that.” The other minister responded firmly, “We both spent the Lord’s money to come here to preach, but as you’ve stated, only one of us is prepared to do so. You are prepared to sleep, while I’m prepared to preach this Gospel.” Lester Sumrall then learned a great lesson, one he went on to teach for many years.
Join us as we fight for the Gospel and deliver the Word of God to this nation! It’s time for one last great revival before Jesus calls us home! Will you fight with us?

Click this link to connect to confirm your monthly gift amount. If you cannot give one of the amounts above, give what you can. God sees your heart. It’s not the size of the gift that matters to God. A waitress shouldn’t give the same amount as a CEO. And a CEO shouldn’t give the same amount as a waitress. Give, as God directs your heart, and in proportion to the blessings God has already given you. You will reap if you faint not!
To give ANY amount https://buy.stripe.com/28o7sG5dd8DX3AI289

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