Pakistani Parade in Manchester England

10 months ago

The streets of Manchester are beginning to resemble Pakistan. English culture is being replaced by Islamism.

** DERP ***

( Keep ) Vaccine 💉 Notes - Lowered Resistance after repeated Flu Vaccinations 💉.

Would it surprise you to learn there is ‘new’ information questioning the so-called benefits of annual flu vaccines? Not me.
As covered in an AFLDS Daily Dose episode this week, a recent study co-authored by the CDC U.S. Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Network Investigators found that repeat annual flu vaccines are associated with an INCREASED risk of getting the flu.
This is alarming news for anyone who has been repeatedly told by Big Pharma and their cronies that flu vaccines are safe and effective.
But the truth is, this information isn’t new. As far back as the 1970s, studies have shown that repeat flu vaccination was linked to reduced vaccine protection. The more a person is vaccinated against a particular strain of the flu virus, the less effective the vaccine becomes.
This means that the flu shots you receive every year are actually making you more susceptible to getting the flu.

My firsthand experience with this issue likely contributed to my advocacy over Covid. As a board-certified emergency physician, I have taken care of hundreds of influenza patients. After just a few years, I noticed that every person I admitted into the hospital with influenza had taken the annual influenza shot. I myself took the flu shot because it was a job requirement, but I always knew it was foolish.
It is well known in the medical community that natural immunity obtained by contracting an infection is more effective than the short-term immunity gained from flu vaccines.
So, why the push each year for the vaccine? You guessed it: money.
The financial interests of Big Pharma drive the annual flu vaccine campaigns, prioritizing profit over public health. As we’ve consistently cautioned, do NOT trust Big Pharma over your own natural immunity.
We are dedicated to exposing the profit-driven agendas of Big Pharma and their involvement in the Medical Industrial Complex, which prioritizes financial gain and power above all else. Through our unwavering commitment to truth and independent research, we will persistently expose the hidden lies behind the manipulation and corruption.
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Simone Gold, M.D., J.D.
Founder & President
America's Frontline Doctors
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Autoimmune Technologies LLC, New Orleans

The Real Truth Behind A Living Will - Killing Us Softly: Living Wills, The Euthanasia Society And Hospice – Part Six
1 Comment / Euthanasia, Kelleigh Nelson / By Kelleigh Nelson
To stabilize the world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.  Dr. Jacques Cousteau
Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption, and set levels of mortality control.  Professor Maurice King
I’ve been a cancer doctor for over 30 years, and I think the proper role of a doctor is to take care of the patient. Assisted suicide should not be in the realm of medicine.”  Dr. Kenneth Stevens
The first living will was conceived in 1967 by Luis Kutner, a human-rights lawyer in Chicago and cofounder of the pro-abortion Amnesty International, in conjunction with the Euthanasia Society of America. The Euthanasia Society distributed living wills.
Luis Kutner’s musings about death anticipated the day medicine would cross the line from prolonging life to prolonging dying. In 1967, he wrote his first ”living will,” a document that allows a person to specify under what conditions life-support systems should be discontinued.  In 1930, Mr. Kutner helped found an American chapter of the Euthanasia Society, modeled after an English counterpart that included playwright and eugenic extremist George Bernard Shaw and Julian Huxley (the first Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and a member of the Eugenics Society).
The idea did not catch on, but in 1938, the Rev. Charles Potter founded the Society for the Right to Die. In April 1984, a team of prominent doctors published in the New England Journal of Medicine a set of guidelines for the treatment of gravely ill patients, concluding it was ethical to withhold nutrition and even medicine if it only prolonged a painful death.
Anyone who doubts that the Living Will, which is urged upon all Americans, comes from the Euthanasia Society can read the main article proposing its adoption written by attorney Luis Kutner in 1969 entitled, “Due Process of Euthanasia: The Living Will, A Proposal,” [Indiana Law Journal v. 44, 1969, p. 549]  The Living Will was written to create a due process of euthanasia. In addition 1970, the Euthanasia Society of America distributed 60,000 living wills. They knew where they were leading American society, but the misguided, trusting Americans couldn’t see it.
Kutner’s intention in creating the Living Will was to provide a way for governmental authorities to allow a form of euthanasia. The living wills were “sold” to the public as patients determining what type of care they would or would not want, but their main effect was to limit care that might allow them to live longer, an incremental step toward open euthanasia. The euthanasia-supporting organizations gave us the Advance Directives and the Living Wills, and now we have the P.O.L.S.T. forms (Physician Orders for [Limiting] Life-Sustaining Treatment), which are spreading across the country.
Even though the public today never thinks they agree to “euthanasia” when they make out a living will, the effect of filling one out can interfere with getting treatment if you change your mind and want care. For example, some physicians will “write off” patients who have a Do-Not-Resuscitate order or a Living Will and provide “comfort care” (comfort care is not paid for in hospitals) while refusing to treat easily treated problems. The ultimate result is death for the patient.
If you are having any form of surgery, one of the first questions you’ll be asked is if you have a “living will.”  If you do, I’d suggest you destroy it.  If you don’t, then congratulations, you’re one of the few who have refused to be brainwashed into providing a way for the medical industry to deny you care and perhaps bring about your early demise.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R.3590) has already modified how Medicare will be run. Under Section 3021, “Establishment of Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation,” the Secretary of Health and Human Services “shall adjust the payments made to an eligible safety net hospital system or network from a fee-for-service payment structure to a global capitated payment model.” [H.R.3590 p.205]
Going from a Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement system that pays fees for each service provided to a system with a cap on payments made for all services provided to a patient is one of the most significant changes to Medicare ever made and will certainly result in drastic changes.  I wrote Part 2 of this series about the Geisinger Hospital programs President Obama praised.  They have already moved away from the medical standard of fee-for-service.
Hospitals will have to change what tests, surgeries, and treatments they provide if the dollar amount they will be paid is capped for each patient they serve! This certainly will result in more people dying for lack of care or needed life-saving surgeries, or even for surgeries like knee or hip replacements.
Most of the public is not seeing the changes to Medicare/Medicaid, nor are they being reported by the controlled media.  These changes are also being made to all health care.  We are quickly moving from a sanctity-of-life society to one that closely resembles Hitler’s eugenics program, targeting the elderly and disabled for early death.

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