Daredevil Shares POV Footage Of Him Fearlessly Skiing Through Forest

6 years ago

Daredevils are a special category of folk who love crossing the boundaries of what is considered extreme. They love going higher, deeper, faster, heavier, tougher, pushing their own limits in the process. We have a very deep respect for these people, both men and women who will stop next to nothing to achieve the thrill and we envy them for it.

There are BASE jumpers, slackline walkers, people who ride unicycles along narrow girders of bridges. And then there are freeride skiers. The relatively young discipline already has a World Cup circuit, but many go down the natural, un-groomed terrains just for the view and the thrill. Just like Hugo Carraz does.

The 27-year-old took his GoPro camera for his latest freeride down the slopes in La Clusaz on the Rhone-Alpes in France. The POV footage really is thrilling, watching him literally zoom between the thick forest and easily zapping between the trees, making us wince at ever turn. Just when we think he will slam himself in a tree trunk, he moves at the nick of time, giving us all the benefits of a freeride, without the unnecessary risk.

Hugo doesn’t just wind between the woods. He likes to jump from several-feet-high cliffs and land with incredible precision. The views he provides us with are probably some we will never be able to see for ourselves, unless we decide to go hiking and it isn’t such a great idea in the winter. Not on the Alps, anyway.

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