Ukrainian politician Dimitry Gordon reveals to have insider information about,

11 months ago

the ISIS terrorist activities in Russia:
- ... semi-classified or classified that I have allowed me to draw the following conclusion... I have these details, they will focus on Moscow and St. Petersburg, especially Moscow... Moscow will be drowned in blood. I'm not a prophet, I just know something. I say: Moscow will be drowned in blood.
◾️How is it that US and Ukrainian authorities have so much insiders information about the terrorist attacks raises concerns about their direct involvement in the killings.
About the photo:
Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley inspired Ukrainians to conduct terror operations against the Russians -  Washington Post article published on December 4, 2023
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The worst actions of your government happen not in secrecy, but right out in the open under the narrative cover of mass media propaganda. The western empire doesn’t hide its worst deeds, it just manipulates the way people think about them.
The US-centralized globe-spanning power structure therefore relies heavily on its historically unprecedented ability to psychologically manipulate global populations when carrying out such atrocities.

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