Canadian TV Airs Piece On Woke Teachers Being Harassed And Put In Danger

11 months ago

It looks like Canada has its own Libs of TikTok. Chanel Pfahl has been "harassing" Annie Ohana over allegedly indoctrinating her students rather than teaching. CTV News decided to interview Ohana about the harassment campaign, which is reportedly ramping up against all teachers. They even found a purple-haired "anti-hate researcher" to chime in. -- Chanel Pfahl 🇨🇦 @ChanLPfa: “Here’s the @CTVVancouver report on woke teacher Annie Ohana. I’m tempted to laugh this off and/or make a sarcastic comment, but honestly, what an utter tragedy that this is the state of our mainstream “news” right now. I know it’s not surprising in the least, but somehow I still expect more. @izavarise portrays Ohana as a victim from the get go, relies on “experts” from CAHN (including “Elizabeth Simons” whose existence has yet to be verified), can’t even be bothered to include my full (2 sentence) comment, or the comments of a single one of the hundreds of parents/teachers who agree with me, etc. It’s truly a shame.”

CAHN is the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. It's not government-funded, which is surprising, seeing as the Canadian government is considering a pre-crime hate speech law that can imprison you if you pose a threat to hurting someone's feelings. It gets worse. The bill creates a pre-crime called “fear of hate crime”. You can be put under house arrest, with an ankle monitor, forced to give blood samples, banned from talking to any person, etc. if someone “fears” you’ll say something hateful.

• More at: Twitchy - Canadian TV Airs Piece on Woke Teachers Being Harassed and Put in Danger

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