TUT Broadcast Mar. 25 2024

1 year ago

Today's Discussion--


--The one-size-fits-all 'explanation' which the organized forces of anti-Gentilism utilize in the aftermath of events such as 9/11 and Oct. 7th in seducing the non-Jewish brain into cooperating with whatever it is--usually WAR--that Israel has decided must take place.

But these 'intelligence failures' are not ONLY the lies that Judea, Inc utilizes in toxifying the collective Gentile mind, but as well, the willing cooperation that non-Jews afford the Eternal Menace in believing these lies, and therefore, Gentiles MUST start utilizing their brains in a rational/self-preservation-based manner if any possibility exists of thwarting what it is that Judea, Inc intends to see take place, which is nothing less than world domination according to the 'protocols' of Torah Judah-ism.

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