Check Out These Three Top Of The World Festivals For Adrenaline Addicts

6 years ago

People who have a compulsive desire for excitement and adventure are often called adrenaline seekers. People who cannot live a day without challenging their minds and push their bodies to the limits are often called adrenaline addicts. They favor dangerous activities for the adrenaline rush that accompanied them. However, what you are about to see in this video are not your typical adrenaline addicts. They are the ultimate thing!

There are festivals for adrenaline rush addicts where like-minded seek like-minded and in the end – they seek the thrill of the dare and the win. Watch the video and see if you can find yourself in one of these daredevil stunts.

Here are tree of the world’s most dangerous festivals:

1. Balls of Fire Festival in Nejapa, El Salvador. It began in 1922 as a commemoration of a volcano eruption. Participants protect their skin, chose a side and hope for the best.
“It is absolutely worth it. You feel adrenaline at its maximum. It is unexplainable,” a participant says.

2. Yanshui Fireworks Festival in Tainan. It began in the late 1800’s in the honor of the martial god who “cured” cholera. Attendants armor up, stand in front of fireworks and sometimes even get burned, which is something they consider will bring them good fortune.

3. The Hammer Festival in San Juan de la Vega, Mexico. It began 400 years ago as a celebration of an event of a miner retrieving his gold from bandits. People get sledgehammers, attach explosives, swing and pray for the best.

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