VLAD SAVCHUK Fake Preachers(Luciferians) Use Local Brainchip TIs To Support Belief In Fake-Demons

6 months ago

Interesting.... This is not just a religious Luciferian ceremony, it is a public display of the power of their technology. Don't give-in, if you fight against the technology, then the Creator-God will eventually come to your successful rejection of their wickedness. You just have to keep fighting and exposing the truth.

These are all brainchipped sleeper bio-robots https://www.bitchute.com/video/z5b4dpzZn7Na/
The same magnetic neuron interface(MNI) gives "Celestial" the voice of her trickster-Master in her head and her manufactured dreams she claims are from God instead... it is a trick. https://www.bitchute.com/video/K8dAuBzvbKvI/
These people reacting from the spray are being attacked by the MNI covertly implanted in their skulls.

When the trap is sprung they will be turned into fake zombies biting people, maybe eating, too.

Once you become aware of the Luciferians and their brainchip technology... you become harder to be made their fool. So you need to study my channel before the NWO Trap is sprung and bio-robot zombies roam your streets. https://www.bitchute.com/video/I6icy0uZVv5b/

The water has nothing to do with it. The Luciferians (Freemasons, CIA, DARPA, Homeland Sickurity) remote-control the bio-robots using magnetic neuron interface(MNI) technology.
The preachers are in a brainchip-hivemind-army of thUgs along with the mass-media reporters... they are all in a conspiracy against the non-cUlt-sworn people... This is why they always point the finger at researchers into technology and scream out loud: "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" which mass-media equates with "crazy person".

I have seen thUgs doing this to anyone who is waking-up to Masonic treachery.

The communist Freemasons and Luciferians are now running all the governments and police and military around the world... CCP and Russia included... soon they will flip-flop into tyrannical Nazis within your communities. Beware of the traitors.

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