Coming Soon to Action Extreme Gaming 2024 - Spiny Dodge Ball (Nes Rom Hack)

11 months ago

Coming Soon to Action Extreme Gaming 2024 - Spiny Dodge Ball (Nes Rom Hack)

Time for Some Comedy Gold Rom hacks for this week in Action Extreme Gaming,which I'll be doing a Playthrough of a Humorous ROm hack version of "Super Dodge Ball" called "Spiney Dodge Ball"

So it seems that Kunio and his Neketsu High School Dodgeball Club are running low on Cash and are in need of some new and improve Dodgeball Equipment for the Next Nekketsu High School Dodgeball Club Tournement,but unfortionatly,everything is too expensive at the moment,so they decided to trade in they're old worn out Dodgeball and settle for a Cheap Spiny Enemy from Super Mario Bros 3!

So yep! Thats right,Kunio and his pals are gonna be smacking the living hell out of each other with SMB3 Spiny

But that Spiny is not gonna have none of that nonsense though,which is ready to kick some ass and send any opposing RIval teams to those Pearly gates up in Heaven!.lol

also been working on some Fan made Custom Nintendo Power/Fan custom Wallpapers,plus a Demo trailer for a new PS5 game called "Stellar Blade" will be out on March 29th.

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